The email shows the date and time of the call and the caller's phone number. If a caller's number is withheld and they forgot to leave their contact details, you can see all but the last three digits (to protect your caller's privacy), so if you know your caller's number you can normally guess who called.
By using our service your voicemails will cost nothing to playback, store or forward, even when your mobile is roaming!
Now you don't have to worry about missing any calls! Messages will be emailed to your registered email address, and include the date and time of the call and the caller's phone number. We've designed this format to make it easy for your email system to sort and search your messages e.g. one folder for each number.
You will receive emailed messages from: "your flextel number"
Please ensure that is not blocked by any spam filters you operate. To ensure uninterrupted email delivery, then try either whitelisting "your flextel number" or add "your flextel number" to your contact list.
You should also consider that this data is sent via secure email. Although most users do not have a problem with this, you should only select this option, if you are or your data protection officer is happy to accept the risk.
You will normally receive all voicemail messages at your registered (account) email address.
This default setting is indicated by
Alternatively, you can enter a number-specific email address. This allows you to receive your voicemail messages at any email address.
To set a number specific email address: The icon will change to to show you've personalised the email address.
Tip: Hover over the icon in the Dashboard to quickly check the personalised email addresses.
Don't forget that this email address is also used by Call Notifications and Call Recordings.
You can edit or clear this personalised email address at any time.
To do this click the PIN protect icon in Number Settings page for the Flextel number of your choice. The icon will then change to
. You will now receive an email with your voice recording attached, as a password protected ZIP file. The password is the same as the PIN for your Flextel number.
If you decided to encrypt your voice files, they will be encoded using the industry standard password protected ZIP format. You will therefore need access to a ZIP file reader App on your Smartphone, MAC or PC. These allow you to enter you password and then listen to your messages and recordings. Free open source ZIP format readers are widely available on all popular platforms.