If you require further assistance in using your number or other features of the service, please contact Customer Support during normal office hours (09:00 to 17:00 GMT/BST).
When contacting Customer Support you will need to obtain a one-time Telephone Passcode. You will get this by logging on to your account. You will see your Passcode at the bottom of any page.
Your request for rerouting to a new phone line will normally be completed in a few seconds. In the unlikely event of you experiencing delays in excess of 15 minutes, first check you have entered the correct destination number, before you report a fault.
If you experience a fault, if it is not urgent, then click here for fault reporting via secure email.
If the fault is very urgent, then please call our dedicated 24 hour fault reporting line, on 0370 3210 151
(not for Password and PIN reminders, please use the website facility)
The best way to contact us is by email or phone - see our Contact Us page for details.
However, if you need to use the postal service, our mailing address is:
Flextel Ltd
Flextel House
The Commons
CW11 1EG