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Spend your rewards by exchanging them for Cash, Vouchers or FlexCredit. It's easy and usually instant.
You have three ways to spend your reward FlexPoints...


You can instantly convert any value of FlexPoints into FlexCredits. You can use your FlexCredits to extend your calls to more expensive destinations, to support a cheaper access number or to make outbound calls via Callback.


You can instantly convert your FlexPoints into Vouchers at double the value of converting cash or FlexCredit.


You can cash in your FlexPoints after 3 months, whenever your FlexPoints redemption value reaches a minimum of £10. Cash is payable to a PayPal account that has previously been used to buy from Flextel. We cannot pay out for 070 calls and 03 calls due to Ofcom restrictions.

Logon to your account, click the myRewards heading and this will take you into the Flextel rewards page, where you will be able to see the FlexPoints you have collected over the last 3 months and the table shows you the value of the FlexPoints that can be converted into FlexCredits, Vouchers or Cash via your PayPal account.
The current exchange rates for of Flexpoints are: